Fun with electronics and programming, featuring WiFi controlled LED’s, a full-screen projector display and interactive audience participation.
A motivational show aimed at school kids.
The purpose of the show is to showcase some amazing tech with
the goal of inspiring children to consider a career in technology.
Fun with electronics and programming, featuring WiFi controlled LED’s, a full-screen projector display and interactive audience participation.
Demonstrating the Raspberry Pi, with Scratch and Processing languages. BBC micro:bit, Makey-Makey microcontroller featuring the Banana piano, MIT App Inventor for Android, as well as Arduino programmed electronics projects.
The Circus Scientist was created by Tom Hastings, an experienced performer from Big Top Entertainment.
Tom also hosts a blog and tutorial site at circusscientist.com, where he shares his insights and expertise - when he isn't busy coding for DevSoft, an Information Technology (IT) and Internet-Of-Things (IOT) company based in Durban.
With over 20 years of experience, Tom has been entertaining and inspiring audiences with his motivational magic and circus show. He has performed at numerous schools, fun days, company functions, events, and parties.
The idea for The Circus Scientist show originated in 2017 when Tom successfully developed his own electronic juggling equipment. This achievement inspired him to empower children to cultivate their own skills and pursue their passions.
The Circus Scientist show is designed for children in junior school, ranging from grade R to grade 4. Its primary purpose is to motivate and inspire kids, igniting their desire to learn and explore.
Many of the technical demonstrations showcased during the show have corresponding tutorials available on the main Circus Scientist website at circusscientist.com.